Let Freedom Ring

This week we celebrated once again the anniversary of our declaration of freedom from the British on July 4th, 1776. Since then, we fought a great Civil War to provide freedom to everyone living in our country. We fought two World Wars to protect our freedoms from aggressors who sought to rule us and the world. We are truly free because of the brave who fought and died to keep us that way.

There has been controversy lately about our National Anthem, our flag and even our Constitution from which our freedoms are derived. My favorite patriotic song growing up was America. “My country tis of thee, sweet land of liberty of thee I sing. Land where our fathers died; land of the Pilgrims’ pride; from every mountainside let freedom ring.” I remember being glued to the TV screen as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. quoted those words, “Let freedom ring” in his powerful “I have a dream” speech.  

I grew up starting the school day reciting the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag and our country. Those words meant so much to me because of all of the brave men who served under that beautiful banner. Men like Sgt. William Harvey Carney, an escaped slave serving in the Union Army during the Civil War as a flag bearer. He refused to let our flag touch the ground even though he was shot seven times including once in the face. Miraculously, Sgt. Carney survived his wounds and was awarded the Medal of Honor for his valor. Men like the six brave soldiers who planted our flag on Iwo Jima while under fire during World War II. Ira Hayes, Franklin Sousley, Harold Schultz, Harlon Block, Michael Strank and Rene Gagnon are immortalized in the famous photograph and the statue in Washington, D.C. commemorating their feat. I will also always honor the memory of those brave men and women who returned home in a coffin covered by that beautiful flag.

I vowed to defend our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic, as I enlisted in our Air Force. During my four years of active duty, I traveled to foreign lands and experienced other cultures. I learned to appreciate even more the freedoms we have in this great country because of our Constitutional Republic.

Of course, the only source of true freedom is found in Jesus Christ. I love these powerful lyrics, “I am free from the guilt that I carried from the dull empty life. I’m set free; for when I met Jesus he made me complete. He forgot the foolish child I used to be. I’m free from the fear of tomorrow. I’m free from the guilt of my past. Oh, I traded my shackles for a glorious song. I’m free! Praise the Lord, I’m free at last!” 

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