God’s Viral Love

We have seen how quickly a virus can spread throughout the world with person to person contact. People’s health and lives have been threatened. Meetings, events and entire sport seasons have been cancelled. Churches and many businesses have been closed. National and world economies have been shaken to the point of collapse. It has been life changing for most of us. But amid the suffering, confusion and panic there is good news and hope.

There is another epidemic that is starting to spread around the world through person to person contact. Instead of a life threatening virus, this one is life sustaining love. This epidemic is not new. It first began over two thousand years ago as word spread quickly of God’s love, mercy and grace in the form of Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection. That Good News spread like a wild fire that religious leaders and world rulers could not control or extinguish. It was world changing. Over the centuries, there have been times when this epidemic seemed to be under control or even beginning to die out; only to find revival with a new wave of God’s love spreading person to person once again.  The world is beginning to experience the greatest revival of the viral love of God since creation.

This viral love of God is spread through personal testimony of what it has done in our life. It is also spread through our words and acts of kindness. (Kindness is simply love in action.) Mother Teresa once said, “Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.” The same can be said of kind acts.

A Christian friend on Face Book shared something that happened to her and her husband a few days ago. They had just finished grocery shopping and loading their purchases in the car when a man approached them. It was clear that he was very uncomfortable asking for help. He explained that the restaurant where he worked had been closed because of the virus and he needed help getting some food for him and his wife. Her husband asked what he needed and he said, “Just the basics”. Her husband went back into the store with him and they came out with three bags of groceries. She wrote about how proud she was as her husband gave him the food with just one request in return; when he and his wife are back on their feet that they would do the same for someone else in need. Echoes of love!

I pray that you and I are not spectators, but active carriers of God’s contagious love.  

Our Powerful God

A friend recently posted something on Face Book that struck an immediate chord with me. “Strong? No my friend, I am far from it. What you’re seeing is a weak person with a very strong God.” Since I knelt at that altar 66 years ago, God has been my strength – not just a source of strength.  I know I have quoted Romans 8:11 many times, but it illustrates the powerful strength that resides in the heart of every Christian and it has been put to the test and proven to be true time and again in the life of this Christian. “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Jesus Christ from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.”

Physically, it is by God’s strength that I have survived a long list of diseases and illnesses. Currently, it is His strength that allows me to stand and walk on weak and painful arthritic knees. His strength is made perfect in my weakness. (2 Corinthians 12:9)

Mentally, God has provided His strength against the ravages of old age. He is the reason I can still remember clearly all of my experiences and have the ability to share them with you.

Emotionally, I learned from the example of my dad that you can be strong and still be soft hearted. I saw him shed tears of joy and tears of grief. As I have followed his example, it is God’s strength that keeps my soft heart from being crushed. It is by God’s strength, love and tender mercies that I am filled with empathy, compassion and the desire to help others heal from emotional wounds.

It is spiritually that God’s strength has the most impact in my life. In addition to the spiritual rebirth that only comes from God’s Son, it is the strength of His still small voice and His gentle promptings that constantly remind me that I am His child. Don’t get me wrong. There have been times in my life when I have taken the power of the Holy Spirit within me for granted or even tried to ignore it, but He has never given up on me. The more I obey Him and communicate with Him through worship, Bible study and prayer, the more His spiritual power is manifest in my life.

We need God’s strength more than ever in this trying time. As a follower of Jesus, you will find all the strength you need right there inside you. If you can’t find it; repent and believe with all your heart that Jesus died in your place to provide you with new life through God’s mercy and grace; and accept His gift of salvation that you could never earn. God promises to place the strength of His Spirit in your heart along with His continual guidance as His son or daughter.        

He Calms Me

The viral storm called COVID-19 continues to rage around us as we take refuge in our homes and pray for God to speak peace to our situation. We long for calm seas and clear skies once again. Like Jesus’ disciples in a storm on the Sea of Galilee (Luke 8:22-25), we plead to our Lord to save us and calm the winds and waves with just His words. We know He is not only the Master of the sea; His power covers everything in His creation (including you and me).

Experience has taught me that sometimes He doesn’t calm the storm as quickly as we would like; but He can speak calm to our souls and give us peace of mind that goes beyond our understanding in spite of our situation. It won’t surprise you that the words of a gospel song come to my mind when I remember all of the storms He has brought me through. You can find it on YouTube by The McKameys titled “He Calms Me”. I want to share those calming, encouraging lyrics with you.  

“Troubled waters came my way. The angry storms grew near. I prayed for God to speak the word to make it disappear. It seemed the waves would not obey the Master’s call for peace; but then the Lord spoke to my soul reminding me He has control and said this time His Word was meant for me. Sometimes He calms the storm; sometimes He calms me. Sometimes the storm still rages on but I feel the sweetest peace. It’s such a joy to know that my Lord knows just what I need. Sometimes He calms the storm and sometimes He calms me.”

Are you exhausted and weak from so many hours on the front line of this battle? Are you struggling endlessly to supply workers and those waiting out the storm with what they need to survive? Are you sheltered at home with the walls seemingly closing in around you? However this virus has affected you; our Lord will give you inner peace and eventual victory. All you have to do is ask Him.

Rebel Without A Cause

It’s April in the southern suburbs of Chicago. We have had two snow storms less than a week apart. I have heard all of my life that April showers bring May flowers, but I’m not sure what April snow brings. The first storm did bring a 54 car pileup on one of the expressways. Fortunately, injuries were minor. It might have been much worse if most of us weren’t at home because of business closures and the governor’s COVID-19 stay at home order. Looking at the site from a traffic copter, it was clear those cars were no longer keeping a social distance from each other. I wonder how many of those drivers and passengers were essential workers on their way to their jobs and how many were rebellious escapees from the stay at home order.

Every person is different, but there are some facets of human nature we all share to a certain degree. Rebellion against authority is one of those. Around the age of two, we realize that our parents control our behavior with that powerful word “no” and we decide to take back some of that control by telling them “NO” – endlessly. I’m sure it must have driven my parents crazy, but they patiently explained why the restrictions were for my own good and showed me all of the good things that I could do instead. I began to realize that obedience was to my advantage and my rebellious nature seemed to disappear. Then, at the age of 13, that rebellious nature reared its head once again because I thought I now knew more than my parents and wanted to do things my way instead of theirs. I’m sure many parents wonder during that stage if having a child was such a good idea after all. It didn’t take many failures for me to realize that my parents were much smarter than I gave them credit for being.

When Jesus introduces us to His Heavenly Father and through faith in Christ we become a son or daughter of God, we must struggle to overcome our rebellious nature once again. At first we see the Bible and the Christian life as a long list of no-noes. Your Heavenly Father is saying no to all of those things that used to give you pleasure and you feel like telling Him no. There was a Broadway play years ago that described that situation perfectly, “Your arm’s too short to box with God”. But then, like C.S. Lewis, you are “Surprised By Joy” when the Holy Spirit dwelling in you points out all of the wonderful things God wants you to do instead. It is then that you find joy and satisfaction in obedience to your Heavenly Father and find all of the wonderful promises in God’s word for those sons and daughters who faithfully serve Him. The Christian life hasn’t always been easy, but it has always been rewarding and satisfying

The Cleaner

During this time of response to the COVID-19 virus most of us who are not on the front line of that battle are spending more time at home. As a result, we are able to tackle those improvement projects we have wanted to do but haven’t had time to get to them. We also have run out of excuses for putting off those things we’ve been dreading. In my case, I’ve been keeping my caregivers busy doing things I can no longer do for myself. As we look around for those things that need improvement in our homes, we need to remember that we are the home for God’s Holy Spirit. Have we made Him comfortable and welcome?

This is a good time to examine our hearts and minds and see improvements and cleaning that need to take place there as well. Is every room of our mind and our heart clean and open for the Holy Spirit to inspect and inhabit? Is there a secret room or closet where we keep some relics of our past life before we accepted Christ? Is it filled with thoughts and world views that are not compatible with God’s word and His will for us? Just as we cannot hide from God, we cannot hide anything from our all-knowing, all-powerful Heavenly Father. We need to pray the prayer of David, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” (Psalms 139:23-24)

As I watched Pastor McClellan’s video about how God sent a cleaner in answer to his prayers, the thought occurred to me that He has sent a Cleaner to every believer. The Holy Spirit is a Comforter, Counselor, Teacher, Guide and, if we permit Him to do so, He is a cleaner armed with the most powerful disinfectant cleaning solution in the Universe – the shed blood of Jesus Christ.

Good luck with all of your spring improvement and cleaning projects; physically and spiritually!      

He Has Risen

It is Easter Sunday morning 2020 as I post this on my blog. A lot of folks think the greatest moment in human history was when Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar lander onto the surface of the moon. That was a momentous occasion for sure (which I had the pleasure of watching live on TV), but it does not even begin to compare with the moment Jesus stepped out of that tomb in Jerusalem over two thousand years ago. Neil Armstrong demonstrated what mankind is capable of achieving. Jesus’ resurrection leads each and every one of His followers through death into eternal life; something mankind is not capable of achieving without Him.

Fifty-six years ago, I had the privilege of visiting the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem with two of my Christian Air Force buddies. It was near sunset when we arrived and we were the only ones around. I will never forget looking into that empty tomb, then kneeling at the entrance in prayer while the full realization that “He is no longer here. He has risen” flooded over me.    

I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior ten years earlier and the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead was dwelling in me (Romans 8:11), but I have never felt as close to Jesus as I did that evening.

I miss the outdoor Easter sunrise services of my youth. We would get up while it was still dark and go to worship our risen Lord; have a big Easter brunch; then, as often as not, I would wind up dozing on the couch. This year, because of COVID-19, I will even miss going to the Easter service at church as well as an Easter brunch at a restaurant. Instead, I will attend two or three Easter services online; enjoy a ham sandwich; and more likely than not, wind up dozing in my Lazy Boy. The one thing I know for sure, my memory will return me to that evening in Jerusalem as it does every Easter.

I wish each of you reading this a blessed Resurrection Sunday.    

God With Us

In this time of social distancing, stay in place and even quarantine, my thoughts turn to others who have experienced isolation and how God pulled them through it.

The first thought that comes to mind is Noah taking refuge in the ark from the rain and flood for more than a year with his family and every animal from Aardvark to Zebra. I’m sure some of you parents with children at home from school with you for just several weeks can identify with their situation. There is no doubt in my mind that they were at the end of their rope by the time the dove flew off and did not return. (Genesis 6:9 through 8:22)

Then there was Elijah. He climbed a mountain and took refuge in a cave hiding from Jezebel. He sat there lamenting his situation to God even though he had just called down fire from heaven to demonstrate God’s power to the prophets of Baal, he was feeling isolated and all alone. God didn’t speak to him in the earthquake, fire or wind storm, but instead with a still small voice to let him know he was not alone. There were thousands of others who had not worshipped Baal and were true to God. (1 Kings 18:42 through 19:18)

Recently, a friend shared a video made by Pastor Lee McClelland from the Ark Church in Belfast Ireland. In it he tearfully tells how God responded to his prayers while he was dying from COVID-19 in a hospital room cut off from all family and friends. He cried out to God to send hope and comfort and “God sent a cleaner” in answer to his prayers. When no one else was allowed in, a cleaner came into his room and asked how he was doing. Then he gave his testimony as he cleaned and told about his years as a missionary. Before he left, he asked if he could pray for him. He couldn’t touch him but from the door he prayed for his healing.  The pastor told how he felt the disease begin to leave his body. Later, as he was feeling better and his appetite was returning, he got a strong craving for prawn flavored crisps and he asked God to somehow provide. That same cleaner appeared briefly at his door and put down a sack simply saying, “Here’s a gift from God”. In that bag were two oranges, a coke and the prawn flavored crisps. Even when we feel isolated and alone, God is with us providing exactly what we need. If you google, God sent a cleaner, you can watch the heart touching video for yourself. Be sure to have some tissues handy. I can’t even think about it without tears of joy.

What God has done for these people, He will do for all of His children, including you and me.            

Jesus Loves You

I’m ready to think about and write about something other than our current social distancing and battle with COVID-19, but God’s still small voice keeps telling me, “Not yet. There are still things of importance and lessons to be learned in this trial.” So, I am writing this in prayerful obedience. This viral storm we are in right now is bigger and more threatening than anything most of us have ever experienced. It is causing us to feel off balance and vulnerable. It is taking us way out of our comfort zone into uncharted waters. In spite of those feelings of helplessness, we are not beyond the reach of Jesus and his love. Jesus said, “I have loved you even as the Father has loved me. Remain in my love.” (John 15:9)

About five years ago, Sheri Easter collaborated with two friends to write a song. The lyrics seem even more appropriate now than they were back then.  “When you feel forgotten; When you feel you’re all alone; When you feel like giving up; When you feel discouraged and everything’s uncertain; When you feel you’re just not good enough; When it’s slipping through your hands and you’ve done all you can and there’s still so much more to do. It’s easy to forget in times like this, Jesus loves you! Jesus loves you and he cares about everything you’re going through!” In addition to the threat and challenge of this virus, some of my friends are faced with other battles as well. It seems like the enemy is throwing everything he can at us. Maybe he senses his time is getting short. I’ve read the last chapter of the Book and I know how the story ends; so does he.

It seems ironic that in this time of physical separation, isolation and quarantine we can become closer to Jesus and, because of His love; we can actually become closer to each other mentally, emotionally and spiritually. As we “circle the wagons” to protect our loved ones from this viral attack, our family circles can draw closer. The same is true of our spiritual family. As children of God; brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus; we become closer as we look out for each other and pray in unity for this storm to pass. I hope and pray that we continue to stay this close when this threat is finally over.

My prayer for each of you reading this is that you and your loved ones remain healthy and protected from this virus. But if anyone has already been touched by it, I pray that God will also touch you with His healing hand. Through all of this, I pray that we learn the importance of leaning on God and on each other in every situation and season of our lives, whether the seas around us are rough or calm. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.    

Don’t Worry

There was a song that came out in 1988 titled, “Don’t Worry. Be Happy.” Although it repeated that message over and over endlessly, we were never given a reason not to worry or told why we should be happy. It is not a coincidence that the fourth chapter of Philippians is being read and preached about throughout our country in this time of anxiety and uncertainty. It is God, through His Holy Spirit, giving us a reason not to worry and telling us why we should rejoice instead. “Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus. And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.” (Philippians 4:6-8) 

That passage of scripture isn’t about some psychological power of positive thinking. It is about taking our anxiety and worries off of our shoulders and placing them in God’s hands; then refocusing our attention on Him and all He has done for us. My senior pastor reminded us Sunday of the words of an old hymn, “Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace.” When we focus on God and all of the blessings He has given us, there is no way we can be distracted by the storm going on around us.

Another passage of scripture being read and taught these days is the 91st Psalm; beginning with Psalms 91:1 (our spiritual 911 call). “Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” That entire chapter describes the safety, security and rest found in God’s presence and I reread it often while I’m sailing through these turbulent and treacherous waters.

I have found one of the benefits of worship services being streamed live on the internet is that I can be in three services in different cities on the same day; as I was this past Sunday. I attended a drive-in service in the parking lot of the Ewing Baptist Church in Ewing, Missouri; then attended the service at my church in Tinley Park, Illinois; then joined my young pastor friend at Anthem Church in Hammond, Indiana. It was the best possible use of modern technology. What a blessing! It is just one more reason for which I am thankful to God, who is the author of every good thing.