I’m Free

Often, Satan will try to distract me from what I’m doing by dredging up my past mistakes and sins, or trying to plant fear in my mind about what tomorrow might hold. The Holy Spirit always reminds me when that happens of the words to a song that was popular when I was young. Singing these words when I’m alone always clears my mind of regrets and fears so I can return to what I was working on (usually my blog). “I’m only human. I’m just a man. Help me believe in all I can be and all that I am. Show me the staircase I have to climb. Lord, for my sake teach me to take one day at a time. One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that’s all I’m asking of you. Give me the strength to do every day what I have to do. Yesterday’s gone, sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine. So help me today. Show me the way. One day at a time.”

I quote Christian song lyrics quite a bit. Those powerful words of poetic imagery bless my heart and lift my spirit. Are those words as powerful as God’s word? Of course not. They are powerful because of God’s word, which they reflect. Another song, by Lynda Randall, that I love says, “I’m free from the fear of tomorrow. i’m free from the guilt of my past. I’ve traded my shackles for a glorious song. I’m free, praise the Lord, free at last.”

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