
I have to laugh when I see the words “all natural” on a food product package, designed to give the consumer confidence that product is wholesome. Arsenic, hemlock, poison ivy and poison oak are “all natural”, but are hardly conducive for a healthy, wholesome life. All arthropods are natural, but ticks, mosquitoes and others can transmit serious, even fatal, diseases or venom. All animals, including humans, are a part of nature, but not all are conducive for a wholesome, healthy life.

I could never understand how scientists could study the Universe and the diverse life forms in it and not see God’s creative signature. Taking a macro look at His creation; even our most powerful telescope cannot reach the outer limits of the Universe. “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship.” (Psalm 19:1) Taking a micro look at His creation; we find the atomic and even sub atomic building blocks that form everything around us (even our own bodies). We can now identify the genetic code stamped inside every cell of every living organism disproving the Theory of Evolution; proof of the existence of the Intelligent Designer of everything in the Universe. In spite of human resistance, scientific research in every field continues to lead us toward God and not away from Him.

I have met some people who prefer to worship Mother Nature instead of Father God. That isn’t surprising; the Bible is full of stories of people worshiping the creation instead of the Creator.  Others prefer to worship idols made by their own hands or political/social concepts created by their own minds. Adam and Eve were created with a natural relationship with and love for their Creator, but the ruler of this world convinced them to question God’s authority and disobey Him, just as he had done. So now each of us must struggle in a war between our sinful human nature we inherited from Adam and our new loving nature we have inherited from God as an adopted son or daughter in His family. Our society is pulling us in the wrong direction, but through God’s mercy and grace we have the power of the Holy Spirit within us to resist that pull and stand firm in our new nature, basking in the “all natural” love of our Abba (Daddy). His love is the only real source of a healthy, wholesome life; now and for eternity.

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