
We read many occurrences in scripture of angels visiting humans. In a way I’m kind of glad I have not had that experience. Angels are awesome creatures. I know this because everyone’s immediate reaction is extreme fear. The first thing an angel must say is, “Don’t be afraid.”

I was surprised to read, “Therefore, angels are only servants – spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation.” (Hebrews 1:14) I actually have something in common with one of those amazing beings. Last year my men’s group studied our church’s mission statement and then wrote our personal mission statements. I prayerfully wrote: I have been called to study God’s Word, pray and follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit in order to encourage and inspire the next generation of believers through intercessory prayer; words (written and spoken) and a life of service. I vow to leave no inspiring or encouraging word unsaid; no kind or thoughtful deed undone and no mission for God incomplete. An angel and I are both servants of Almighty God sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. Wow!

An angel’s visit isn’t always overwhelming. Hebrews 13:2 tells us, “Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!” Is it possible for an angel to take the form of a human or a human to become an angel? I can only speak from my recent experiences.

I lost my part time job from home the end of February. I was facing financial disaster. I asked every believer I know to pray for me and I trusted God for provision. By the end of April I was down to rock bottom but still believing God for answers and provision (Have you ever noticed that God lets us reach bottom to test our faith and prove to us He is the only one who can bring us out?)  A friend on Face Book mailed me a check with a note that God had put me on her heart. Then a Christian brother showed up at my door and told me God woke him up in the middle of the night and told him that he must help me as he handed me an envelope filled with cash. Others brought me food or invited me out to eat.  A possible new source of income has miraculously appeared and thanks to those angels in my life I am able to get by until God gets me back on my feet.

“I believe there are angels among us” is a song to which I can relate. Some may actually be angels in disguise, but most are simply believers who are servants caring for seekers and other believers. Isn’t it awesome that you or I can be an angel in the life of someone?



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