Whispering Hope

I think the thing I take for granted most about my Christian life and walk with God is the hope I constantly feel. No matter how bad things may be, I never lose hope. Even when I feel helpless, I’m never hopeless. Paul wrote this to the church in Rome, “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)  Yes, my confident hope does come from the power of the Holy Spirit within me and I have learned to lean on it time and time again.

For the last few weeks, a song from the past has popped into my mind for some reason. The version I remember came out in 1962, but I have leaned it was actually written in 1868. “Soft as the voice of an angel breathing a message unheard. Hope with a gentle persuasion whispering her comforting word. Wait ‘til the darkness is over. Wait ‘til the tempest is done. Hope for the sunshine tomorrow after the darkness is gone. Whispering hope oh how welcome thy voice making my heart in its sorrow rejoice.“  There is another song that is more recent by the Hopper Family titled Hope. “It’s a hope that sometimes whispers, a hope that sometimes shouts and sometimes hope’s mighty gale will part the sea of doubt; or controls the raging fevers, command the storm of pain. Hope turns the life threatening tempest into a gentle soothing rain.”

Hopelessness is a horrible state. There has been an increase in the suicide rate, especially among teenagers. What goes through the mind of someone to make them think life is not worth living? It is based on their mental and emotional state and their environment. Although it may be a little different from person to person, the most common factor is a lack of hope. They find themselves in a miserable situation and they have no hope that things will ever get better. I admit that there was a time many years ago when the thought of suicide crossed my mind, but the Holy Spirit whispered hope into my spirit and that thought vanished in the light of that hope.    

The Apostle Paul wrote, “Three things will last forever – faith, hope and love – and the greatest of these is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13)  Don’t ever underestimate the power of faith and hope. They are also needed for a healthy Christian life along with love. Trust God’s Holy Spirit within you. He will never let you forget them.

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