The Waiting Room

Ten years ago while my wife and I were waiting for a table at a restaurant, a young couple came in and asked how long the wait would be. They were told approximately twenty minutes. They looked at each other and walked out without giving their name. They evidently did not understand that it would take them more than twenty minutes to walk back to their car and find a less popular restaurant with no wait list. They just did not want to stand or sit still for that long. I mentioned in my last post that impatience has become more prevalent during my lifetime and that makes waiting for anything painful for many people.

A friend gave me a ride to a doctor appointment two weeks ago. We left in plenty of time to make it to my appointment. When we arrived, I was told the doctor was running 30 minutes late. My friend and I sat in the waiting room chatting and it seemed like no time before they called my name. Back when I was still driving and would have made that trip on my own, that half hour would have seemed much longer. Whether it is waiting for a table, a doctor, in a checkout line, or on hold on the phone; waiting can try anyone’s patience.

I would ask my parents for something as a child and I could expect one of these three answers; yes, no or maybe later. The yes answer was cause for joy and excitement; the no answer was disappointing, but didn’t leave any expectations with it; the maybe later answer was the hardest to take. I needed to know why my gratification was being delayed and, more importantly, for how long would I have to wait.

Looking back on my life as a Christian, I know my Heavenly Father has answered my prayers with those same three answers. When the answer is yes; it is cause for great joy, whether the prayer was for me or someone close to me. When the answer is no; I have learned it is because He has something much better in mind for me. There is an old country song that describes that situation so well titled, “I thank God for unanswered prayers.” When He closes one door, He will soon open another one that we never dreamed of.

 When we pray, we need to pause silently at the end and listen for God’s reply. At times in my life I have perceived His answer to my prayer to be, “Later”. Unlike my parents, God doesn’t say maybe. He knows that it will or won’t happen eventually, so with Him it will always either be no or later. The reason that does not trigger my impatience is that my faith in Him has been validated so many times. I know God has good reasons for delaying His positive answer to my prayer and I know it will happen when the time is right. I believe this blog is the answer to a prayer I prayed many years ago. He knew I wasn’t ready yet to take it on for an extended period of time back then, but four years ago He let me know, “Now is the time.”

So, my brother or sister, people around you may try your patience, but never become impatient with your Father in Heaven. He loves you and knows you better than you know yourself. He will always answer your prayers in a way that is best for you. Trust Him! You will never be disappointed.

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