The Journey

Some people think being reborn spiritually, as Jesus described it to Nicodemus in the third chapter of John’s gospel, is simply what allows us to enter the Kingdom of Heaven when we die. While that is very true, there is a whole lot more than that involved with God’s mercy and grace. That rebirth is the beginning of a new life and a very special journey here on earth. I have been on that journey for 67 years now and it isn’t over yet.

Has my journey always been on Easy Street; with level terrain and pleasant scenery? Of course not! I have had mountain top experiences, but not without a grueling climb first. There have been obstacles and pot holes along the way and some brief detours. There have even been some storms and dark valleys to pass through. But my Lord has been with me every inch of the way. He guards my steps and keeps me safe through it all. My journey is physical, mental and spiritual. As my physical body becomes older and weaker, I lean on Him as I make my way from room to room on my walker and as a result I also lean more on Him mentally and spiritually. My mind and spirit actually are becoming stronger. God has prepared me and equipped me for this journey and given me missions to accomplish in His name along the way. He closes doors that distract me and opens doors for me that no man can close.

God doesn’t prevent us from passing through some very rough and dangerous territory, but like Daniel in the lions’ den (Daniel 6:16-23) and the three young Hebrew men in the fiery furnace (Daniel 3:19-27), He goes through them with us and brings us out unharmed on the other side. He understands whatever we go through because His journey took him up that hill called Golgotha to painfully die on a cross for us. I want to be honest about the Christian journey so I know I’ve made it seem kind of scary so far, but let me share with you the joy that I’ve experienced no matter where my journey has taken me. I recently read a quote by Greg Anderson. “Focus on the journey not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it.” Our destination is glorious to be sure, but there is so much joy in serving God; responding to His promptings; and working toward completing the mission He has given us.

Every Christian has a unique journey, but each of them brings glory and honor to God and involves sharing the love, mercy and grace we have received from God with those around us. There is no competition or comparing of journeys, because each one is a tile that fits perfectly together to form God’s great mosaic – the big picture – His family portrait of all of His children busy serving Him.  

My Christian brother or sister, as you read this I want you to look back on how far you have come on your journey since you began your new life; joyfully continue on today’s leg of your journey; and then look ahead with great anticipation to travelling with Him the rest of the way.

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