Stand Still

I have written much about the Holy Spirit and how He prompts us to action; how He stays with us every step of the way. But there are also times in our life when our words and action are not required and may actually defeat our purpose. Being still isn’t easy to do, especially for men. It seems that our nature is to want to do things for ourselves and for those we love. If something is wrong we think it is our job to fix it. One of the hardest things I had to learn as a husband was that not every problem needed my solution. At the end of the day, Carol would share with me a problem she ran into at work with a customer or coworker. My automatic reaction would be to let her know how I would have handled that situation. She had already handled it her way and all she needed was a sympathetic ear, not a well-meaning mouth. I finally became a good listener with God’s help.

I have learned over the years that there are other situations when my presence is all that is needed to show my love and concern. I have mentioned several times before that when Carol was in the nursing home she had trouble sleeping in that strange place, so I spent most of my time with her each day just holding her hand while she slept knowing I was there. It gave her the comfort and assurance of my love more than any other act or encouraging, cheery words I could have uttered. When someone close to me is ill or suffers a loss, often words fail me as I simply hug them and silently share their pain or grief. I’m sure Job wished his friends had learned that lesson.  

There is a time to praise and worship God; to bring our petitions and needs to Him. But there is also a time during our prayers when we must quietly await His loving response and guidance. One of my favorite sayings is “If you really want God to open that door for you, take your hand off of the handle.” The Isaacs family gospel singing group always touch me with the song “Stand still and let God move.” As the song says, it isn’t easy to do. It takes intent and practice, but it is so worth it!

“Be still and know that I am God!” (Psalms 46:10)

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