Spiritual Exercise

I have two arthritic knees that are bone on bone so I’m not nearly as active as I used to be. My doctor is always telling me I need more exercise. He evidently doesn’t take into consideration the cardio workout I go through every time I stand up, struggle into my winter coat and walk my dog a short distance every five hours or get in and out of the car when I need to drive somewhere. Physical exercise is important for good health at any age, but spiritual exercise is also very important for a healthy Christian life.

Reading and studying God’s word, praying and worshiping are all great “warm up” exercises; preparation to get us ready to tackle the heavier lifting. The real spiritual workouts come as we interact with and serve others. Jesus teaches us to put His workout plan to use in service to “the least of these,” because it is in that way that we can serve Him directly. (See Matthew 25:34-46)

I recently saw a quote by Leo Buscaglia, “The fact that I can plant a seed and it becomes a flower, share a bit of knowledge and it becomes another’s, smile at someone and receive a smile in return, are to me continual spiritual exercises.” I identify with that quote because those are exercises that I can do and that I try to do every day.

I sometimes find renewed spiritual energy while observing the awesomeness of every part of God’s creation around me; from the wonders of our universe to the precise orbit, atmosphere and makeup of our planet that allows life to exist. My observation or interaction with various life forms, including my two dogs, also stirs my spirit. But what give me the most strenuous spiritual exercise are my interactions and relationships with people.

Even casual encounters build spiritual strength. There is a young woman who works the drive up window of a fast food restaurant I frequent for breakfast. We don’t even know each other’s name (I call her “sunshine”), but our pleasant encounters began when I commented that her smile brightens my day and that smile suddenly became even wider and brighter. Now every time she sees me that smile automatically lights up her face as she sincerely asks how I’m doing. Sometimes she even sees me coming and repeats my order over the speaker before I can say a word. (Yes, I am that predictable.)

Deeper and more lasting relationships increase and intensify our spiritual reps. My wife and I participated in a multitude of spiritual workout sessions together. Now that I’m on my own a circle of very close friends provide me with the encouragement and spiritual incentive I need.

Every time we lift someone’s spirit and, if possible, lift their burden a little as well, our spiritual muscles gain strength. I don’t keep track of the number of visitors to my blog or who you are because if the numbers are high I might be tempted by pride and if they are low I might become discouraged. I’m just thankful that you are reading this now and I hope that my writings have lifted your spirit and given you encouragement to become more active physically and spiritually.

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