Shedding Innocent Blood

I have written numerous times about general topics like love, faith, mercy and grace. But I try hard to keep from repeating myself. If you have read my blog for any length of time or follow me on Face Book, you know where I stand on the subject of abortion. Lately, it seems like every other day there is a news story of some state legislature extending the right to abort later and later into the pregnancy (even post birth in some cases), or another state  limiting abortion to before a separate heartbeat is detected or prior to the twentieth week. I can no longer ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit to write once more about how God and science (not politicians) look at this practice.

Back when there was disagreement among scientists about when life begins, abortionists and their supporters decided life doesn’t begin until after birth as the new born baby takes in his or her first breath. Now, geneticists have scientifically proven that life with a unique DNA code begins at conception; abortion providers and supporters don’t care. Biologists have determined that a separate heartbeat can be detected as early as ten to twelve weeks and at twenty weeks a fetus’ nervous system allows them to feel pain; once again they just don’t care.

From a spiritual standpoint, I am concerned about how God views this procedure. It was John the Baptist while still in his mother’s womb, who was the first to leap for joy and rejoice about the conception of Jesus when he simply heard Mary’s voice greet his mother, Elizabeth. God told Jeremiah He knew him and called him to service while he was still in his mother’s womb. David described how God miraculously knit him together in the quiet and safety of his mother’s womb. Jesus told his disciples to let the little children come to him for such is the kingdom of heaven.  Abortionists and their supporters have made this a secular, political issue to intentionally try to keep God out of the picture.   

Racism and abortion are closely tied together. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was openly racist and she saw abortion as a way to remove “the human weeds” from our society. It is no coincidence that the organization she founded has clinics in poor and minority neighborhoods. In 2013 (the most recent year I could find official, detailed birth statistics) in New York City, nearly 5,000 more black babies were aborted than were born alive and the difference was even higher than that the previous year. Never the less, there were cheers in New York recently when the governor signed a bill allowing for abortion up to the completely formed child’s day of birth. States like New York that prohibit lethal injection for those found guilty of the most heinous crimes; legally permit painfully terminating the innocent and vulnerable life of a fully formed infant. It is the crime of inconvenience that has become the offence worthy of a death sentence there and in several other states, including Illinois.

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