
The concept of sin is misunderstood in our society these days and, sadly, even in some churches. I read recently that the California legislature has drafted a bill against pastors preaching about sexual perversion from the pulpit labeling it hate speech against those sinners. Of course such a law would be unconstitutional in our country, but it illustrates popular thinking about this important God given instruction. Why is this so important? Without a grasp of the meaning of sin, there is no understanding of the need to repent. I have heard several people say, “The two biggest lies being told today are if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle you hate them and if you love someone you must accept their lifestyle. Neither of those is true. It is possible to love others and still stand on God’s principles.” As a matter of fact, when you have struggled under the burden of sin and been set free by the amazing grace and mercy of God, it is impossible to hate someone else who is struggling with sin. It is with love and empathy we identify the sin and pray that they will be set free as well.

In the book of Job we read, “Why don’t people say to God, ‘I have sinned, but I will sin no more?’” A part of the sinner’s prayer to accept Christ as our savior is admitting our sinful nature and repenting of our sins. We must be willing to be born again spiritually with our sins forgiven by God. In the eighth chapter of John we read about a woman caught in the sin of adultery who was brought to Jesus to get Him to approve of her execution under the Law of Moses. First He called out the accusers’ sins and then forgave her, but His last words to her were “Go and sin no more.” I think a lot of people have redacted that line from their Bible wanting to believe that God’s forgiveness does not require us to turn from sin and repent of it. When I receive the free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ I am God’s adopted child, but He wants me to be an obedient child. I did not become a spiritual robot without a will of my own. I became a child of God who needs to receive discipline and repent of my disobedience from time to time. Fortunately, the longer I spend with my Abba (Daddy) the less I need to repent because I have learned to be an obedient child,

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