
Computer hackers are more clever and sneaky than ever. I don’t just have protection against viruses anymore. I also have malware protection. The last few days as I check my email account my cyber security program has been repeatedly flashing a notice that a malicious website is being blocked. That website continues to challenge my defenses and is continually blocked. Just to be sure nothing bad made it through I requested a scan of my computer to insure it is still safe from harm. The first thing that appeared on the screen was a question, “Do you want this program to make changes to your computer?” The default answer is no, but because I trust my security system I chose yes and my computer was scanned for anything suspicious that should be quarantined and deleted. The scan found nothing suspicious so I am confident that I’m still safe.

That experience reminded me how vulnerable we are to the attacks of the enemy. Satan wants access to our mind so he can influence our heart. He is more clever and sneaky than any computer hacker. We need protection. God has provided all the protection we need if we trust Him enough to allow Him to make changes to our mind. (Romans 12:2) The default response is always no, because we want to retain complete control of our thoughts and our lives. But trusting God with all of our heart, mind and soul we tearfully answer, “Yes, Lord!” Once we have accepted Jesus Christ as our savior, God gives us His Holy Spirit to mentor, comfort, guide and protect us. But to receive His full protection we must regularly allow Him to scan our mind and our heart; isolate anything that is harmful and then remove it. (Psalms 139:23)

Many years ago theaters experimented with subliminal advertising. They incorporated just one or two frames picturing popcorn or soda into their previews of coming attractions prompting the crowd to rush out to the snack bar. Their subconscious minds picked up the images that their conscious minds were unable to process. Experts disagree about the effectiveness of such advertising even though advertisers still use that technique in one form or another. The fact is, our minds recognize fleeting images and background noises we don’t consciously process. Our subconscious provides a back door into our mind that must be secured. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit has our back by guarding us from that blind side attack by the enemy.


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