
Have you ever known a perfectionist? They spend so much time concentrating on every little detail they miss out on the joys of life. Perfection is a lofty goal that will never be achieved in this life. There has only been one human who is perfect. His Father is God. He gave His life as a perfect sacrifice for our sins, and then He was raised from the dead and leads His followers into eternal life.  As Christians, we strive to be like Him. When you and I are completely honest with ourselves, we know how far we are from perfection. Am I closer to Christ-like perfection now than I was sixty years ago? Absolutely! Do I still have a way to go? Absolutely! The key is to draw a little closer to God through His Holy Spirit and His word each and every day.

What confuses us is Satan’s favorite con game called comparison. We see someone else whose Christian life seems perfect. That is because we only see what they want us to see. If the grass is greener on their side of the fence, it is probably Astroturf. Or, as Irma Bombeck once wrote, “The grass is always greener over the septic tank.” I have mentioned before that our Christian life is not a competition with other believers. We are to help each other be the best we can be so that we all cross the finish line together and then celebrate our victory together.

Perfection won’t be found in relationships or groups of imperfect people. My definition of a perfect marriage is two imperfect people who love and support each other in spite of imperfections, while worshipping and following a perfect God together. My pastor once said that if you ever find a perfect church, don’t join it, because it won’t be perfect anymore. Being part of a group of imperfect people doesn’t hide our imperfections; it seems to magnify them instead.

Now, for the good news; the imperfections and sins of Christians are forgiven and covered by the blood of Jesus. When our heavenly Father looks at us He sees His Holy Spirit within us and the perfect blood of His Son covering us. When we finally enter His Kingdom, our transformation will be complete; no more physical imperfection or limitation, no more mental lapses or misconceptions, and no more spiritual temptation or sin. Perfect just as God has always intended us to be.        

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