
Have you ever thought about how many roles you have had to take on in life? I have been a son, brother, nephew, cousin, uncle, student, airman, Sunday school teacher, husband, lay minister, route salesman, college food service director, insurance salesman, pest control salesman, route technician, service manager, corporate trainer, friend and business associate. I haven’t even had the important roles of father or grandfather, but through all of those roles I have taken on, I have been a child of God – a Christian. Some people refer to the roles we take on as putting on another hat. If that were true I would be able to open up a hat shop, especially now that I’ve added retiree and veteran to the list.

Being a Christian is not a role I take on or a hat I don; it is who I am. So that doesn’t conflict with those other roles, but many times I was asked to wear more than one hat at a time and that is when things got really “interesting”. I hate generalizations and stereotypes, but I have found from experience that men generally do their best when they are concentrating on one thing at a time, while women are capable of multitasking and make it look easy. There is a very funny video of a comedian comparing a man’s brain to a woman’s brain. He says a man’s brain is compartmentalized and he can only use one compartment at a time. A woman’s brain, according to him, has all cells firing indiscriminantly. The thing that women will never understand about men is that one of the compartments in a man’s brain is empty. He can literally be thinking of nothing. What makes that comedy routine funny is that there is more than a grain of truth in it.

Scriptures don’t say much about all of the roles I have taken on, but it does tell me to honor my parents as a son and love my wife as a husband. It spends more time telling me how to behave as a son of God. Jesus teaches us everything we need to know about living a life that is pleasing to the Father and when we do that it will make all of our relationships and jobs successful.

God is the ultimate multitasker. He is the Creator and our Father. He answers our prayers and He comforts, instructs, and prompts each and every Christian around the world; while convicting unbelievers of their sins. He didn’t simply create the universe; He is active in it day and night. We can always count on Him to be there whenever we call on him.       

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