
I have written many times about my wonderful fellowship with my Christian brothers and sisters. The Greek word used in scripture to describe that fellowship is koinonia. It is defined as, “Christian fellowship or communion with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians.” Last Saturday morning during our breakfast, one of my brothers in Christ reminded us that as part of our relationship with God, He wants to spend time in fellowship with us – koinonia time.

I believe that is what Jesus was thinking about when He said, “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them”. (Matthew 18:20) Jesus loves to share in our fellowship with each other. During His earthly ministry Jesus loved to celebrate Jewish holidays, feasts and weddings with followers and sinners alike. He and His disciples were criticized by religious leaders of the time as being partiers when they should be more serious and selective about the company they kept. Jesus shows us how to fellowship with and influence others without sin. He pointed out to those Jewish leaders that a time would come for His followers to mourn and fast, but not while He is with them. (see Matthew 9:15)

Jesus also said, “Look, I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will share a meal together as friends.” (Revelation 3:20) He loves to fellowship with us individually as well. I’m sure if someone planted a microphone in my home, they would swear I have an “imaginary friend” that I am continually fellowshipping with, because my voice would be all they would hear. He is definitely my friend, but He is definitely not a product of my imagination. Actually, I am a creation of His and a product of His mercy, grace and loving sacrifice. He is my constant companion and I cherish our koinonia time together.

Obviously, I am not the only one who has experienced koinonia time with Jesus Christ. In 1855, preacher Joseph Scriven described that fellowship perfectly in a poem he wrote to comfort his mother in Ireland while he was serving the Lord in Canada. That poem became the very familiar lyric of the hymn, What a Friend We Have in Jesus. I don’t have to share those beautiful words here, because you know most of them by heart. If you haven’t been spending personal koinonia time with Jesus, just listen for His knock and sweet voice, and then invite Him in to share a meal and koinonia with you. It will enrich your fellowship with other Christians and improve all of your relationships. God wants your fellowship. It reminds Him of those long walks with Adam in the Garden before Adam’s disobedience.

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