Joint Citizenship

I love this quote from Booker T. Washington. “A lie doesn’t become truth; wrong doesn’t become right; and evil doesn’t become good just because it is accepted by the majority.”  The founding fathers of our country did not trust a powerful central government like the one they experienced in England, so they produced a Constitution that divided the Federal government into three branches and listed the rights of our individual citizens that are protected from government control. They also didn’t trust the judgement of a simple majority of the people, so the Constitution allocates all government functions not specifically listed to each state to decide and establishes an electoral college made up of state delegates to elect the president. When he left the Continental Congress, Ben Franklin was asked, “What kind of government did you give us?” He answered, “A Constitutional Republic, if you can keep it.”

So what does that brief civics lesson have to do with the Christian life? First, in response to the quote, we must find and accept what is true, right and good in spite of what the majority around us think or believe. We begin our search by accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Our spirit is reborn and the Holy Spirit takes up residence in our heart. We study God’s inspired word and pay close attention to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. Then we establish a personal relationship with God through prayer and worship. Jesus’ teaching, life, death and resurrection; God’s word In the Holy Bible; and the guidance and counsel of the Holy Spirit are always true, right and good and the power of God’s love, mercy and grace will help you hang onto them.

Jews in Jesus’ time on Earth thought the Messiah would free them from the rule of the Roman government. When asked about paying taxes to Rome, Jesus asked whose picture is on the money and then told them to give to Cesar what belongs to him and give to God what is His. He also told Pilate that His kingdom is not of this world.  American citizens are very fortunate that our earthly government allows us to worship and speak freely.

In response to Ben Franklin’s statement, we have kept it for nearly 246 years. Our Constitution has been under fire many times by those who think they can form a better government with them in control. When I joined the U.S. Air Force at the age of 18, I took an oath to defend our Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic. That oath doesn’t expire until I do. Christian reader, wherever you live you have joint citizenship to your country and to the Kingdom of God. In that Kingdom we are all more than citizens; we are members of the royal family by the grace of God. Death is just a move to that other glorious home.

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