He Does

I just heard this song for the first time, but I know it won’t be the last and I want to share the words with you. “If anyone ever felt as though his sin was deeper than grace would go, I have! If anyone ever thought his prayer was a waste of time, cause no one cares, I have! If anyone believes that he’s gone too far, then my friend I have been right where you are. You’re not alone. No, you’re not alone. I have good news to share with you; what you’re feeling now is far from true. So keep hanging on; cause if there is one who loves beyond the sad mistakes that we’ve all done, He does! If there’s a soul who understands and longs to heal the hurts we have, He does! Jesus does! He walked the road to Calvary. He suffered pain and agony, because He knew there’d come a day when you would need to call His name. If there is one who wants to be the one and only friend you need, He does! If anyone has a right to say thank you, Lord, for another day, I do! If anyone has a reason to sing a song when gray skies hide the blue, that’s me! If anyone can stand and testify you can count on me and I’ll tell you why; He set me free! Oh yes He set me free! When the guilt and shame from my own sin sought to rob me of the joy He gives, He reminded me! Cause if there’s one who loves beyond the sad mistakes that we’ve all done, He does! If there is a soul who understands and longs to heal the hurts we have, He does! Jesus does!”

That song describes my relationship with Jesus so well that it’s as if the writer has been reading my mail my entire life. Although everyone’s story is different, there are some things we have in common as we begin a new life as a child of God. We all experience that helpless, hopeless feeling in the pit in which our sins and mistakes have left us and we all doubt that anything or anyone can help us out of our situation. Then we encounter Jesus and He does what no one else can. He releases us from our guilt; the charges are dropped and we are set free. Gratitude and joy replace our guilt and shame. We are truly born again. Without that beginning there is no Christian life to live. We must always remember the miracle of new birth that began it all for us, as we live that life with Him.

I want to leave you with the words of another song. “I stood in the courtroom the judge turned my way. ‘It looks like you’re guilty now what do you say?’ I spoke up, ‘Your honor I have no defense.’ But that was when mercy walked in. Mercy walked in and pleaded my case; called to the stand God’s saving grace. The blood was presented that covered my sin; forgiven when mercy walked in. I stood there and wondered, ‘How could this be that someone so guilty had just been set free?’ My chains were broken; I felt born again the moment that mercy walked in.”   

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