Going Through Something

It seems like everyone I know is going through a personal trial or storm these days and some are experiencing an absolute avalanche of troubles. Every conversation I have includes a prayer request, praise report or both (including my own of course). The words of a song came to my mind out of the blue today. I had not thought about it for years. I listening to Karen Peck and New River sing it again and I want to share that brief message with you.

“There’s a woman living next to me just trying to make ends meet. She’s one check away from losing it all. And there’s a broken man I know. He’s barely holding on to hope; trying to get back up from his last fall. And me I’m dealing with my own trials no one else can see. Without Jesus, tell me, where would I be? Everybody’s going through something. Everybody faces a storm now and then. So if everybody’s going through something, I’d rather go through something with Him.”

Fortunately, most of the people I know are going through their own storms with Jesus and I get just as many praise reports from them as prayer requests. God does answer prayer and He stays right beside us through the storms of life. Does every storm have a bright and happy ending for Christians? The simple answer is yes! But it doesn’t always happen in this life. All of us have lost someone close to us through disease, tragic accident or just the ravages of old age. They had gone through their life and all of their storms with Jesus. He conquered death for us and because of Him we can look forward to the happiest of endings in His presence for eternity. Death is not the end for followers of Christ. It is only the end of the beginning. There is more – much more!

My Christian friend, whatever you are going through right now, know that you are not alone. God’s Spirit is in you and with you and your brothers and sisters in Christ will gladly pray for and support you as well. Often their support is the answer to your prayer. By faith you were saved and by faith there will be a beautiful rainbow at the end of your current storm.   

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