Giving and Receiving

Have you ever heard someone quote, “God helps those who help themselves”? It sounds scriptural, but don’t bother looking for it. It is not in the Bible. It is one of the many counterfeit humanistic “proverbs” cloaked in religious language to fool those who are not familiar with God’s word. Scripture actually declares an opposite view. Instead of helping ourselves to all the blessings we can grab, we are told to give to others and then God will help us when we need it. Paul put it this way to the church at Corinth, “Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal.” (2 Corinthians 8:14) I have mentioned before and I can’t say it often enough; I have been blessed by giving to others in my lifetime and now I’m blessed by receiving the generous help of others. Giving and receiving; sowing and reaping; it is all a blessed part of life as a child of God.   

We celebrated Pentecost Sunday this week; the spiritual birthday of the Messianic church (later to be called Christian). The Holy Spirit entered the hearts of believers and they came together as a community for the first time in Jerusalem, just as Jesus had promised. The world was amazed by the power of the Holy Spirit which was displayed on that day, but even more impressive was the way they shared what they had with each other as the Spirit led them to do from day to day. The story of Ananias and his wife in Acts chapter five makes it clear that sharing of earthly goods was not a requirement laid down by the disciples, but was the result of God’s Holy Spirit moving in each of their hearts.

Without a personal knowledge of God’s Spirit, the world has tried time and time again to emulate that utopian community by taking wealth from the rich and giving it to the poor. It is what I call the Robin Hood effect. Although it is a system praised by the poor while it lasts; it has always failed, because when you share the wealth of others it doesn’t make you a hero or a saint; it just makes you a generous thief.

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