Faith In Action

One of my brothers in Christ shared a story he heard about a skier who left the ski trail and went over a cliff, catching onto a tree limb as he fell. He yelled for help for several minutes but there was no answer. Then he looked up and said, “God if you are up there, I need your help.” A booming voice from heaven said, “Do you believe in me?” “Yes Lord, I believe in you.” “Do you trust me?” “Yes Lord, I trust you.” “Then let go of the branch.” “Is there someone else up there I can talk to?” We smile about someone wanting a second opinion after God answers their prayer, but if you’ve been a Christian for any length of time you have probably questioned if you heard God’s instructions correctly or even asked, “Are you sure, Lord?”.

Faith in God is not just a matter of professing – it requires action. Sometimes that action is a huge leap of faith. Obedience is a true sign of faith. We may not hear a booming voice from heaven, but when we obey that still small voice of the Holy Spirit within us even when we don’t understand how it will help our situation, we can expect our prayers to be answered. Do you pray with full expectation? I will be the first to admit that I have sometimes been caught by surprise by God’s miraculous answer to my prayer. Why am I surprised after all of these years? You would think by now that my prayers would all end, “Lord, I can’t wait to see how you do this.”

I have shared the story before about all of the churches is a town coming together in the town square to pray for rain to end their long draught and finally went home disappointed. Then a young boy peddled his bike to the town square and prayed for rain; then opened an umbrella to keep from getting soaked as his prayer was answered. He was the only one with enough faith to be prepared for God’s answer to his prayer. I used to wonder what the man meant when he told Jesus, “I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24) I think we all have some reservations. We know He can do it. We may even know He will do it; but sometimes we just have trouble visualizing it actually happening.

Lord, help us to pray with attention and obedience to your instruction and with full expectation of your response. That is what true faith in you is all about.

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