
Albert Einstein wasn’t just a brilliant math and physics professor, he was a wise man. I have quoted him before. The most recent quote I came across was this.  ”Do not grow old, no matter how long you live. Do not cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.” It reminded me of something else he wrote; “Do not listen to the person with all of the answers. Listen to the person with questions.” It was curiosity and not superior intellect that led Albert Einstein to discover the formula for atomic energy.

My Christian reader, are you curious? Do you wonder about what heaven is like? Do you seek to find out where God is leading you and why? Do you want to know more about the mysteries of God and His Creation? If so, you are on the exciting path to discovery and satisfaction. Whether I’m researching for my blog or simply digging deeper into my daily devotions, my greatest discoveries and blessings have come as a result of me wondering what the Bible teaches about a specific topic. As a young Christian, I used to wear out my King James Bible’s concordance and index. Today, we have the luxury of word or phrase search in almost any translation.

Curiosity is not always considered a positive trait. I remember a cartoon of a cat sitting on the table in an examining room. Another cat in a white coat with a clipboard was saying, “Bad news. It’s curiosity.” When someone becomes too nosey, we warn them that curiosity killed the cat. It is taken from an old proverb, but do you know the full proverb? Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back.

The word curiosity does not appear in the NLT, but this promise from Jesus appears in both Matthew 7:7-8 and Luke 11:9-10. “Keep on asking and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking and you will find. Keep on knocking and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; everyone who seeks finds; and everyone who knocks the door will open.” Jesus is teaching about prayer. So if we really want to satisfy our curiosity, all we have to do is go to the Creator in prayer. Spending time with God is a major part of the Christian life, but it brings us added blessings when we allow Him to satisfy our curiosity.   

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