Close to Thee

When those around us degrade religion and particularly our Christian faith, we often explain to them that Christianity is a relationship with God and not a “religion”. Of course, they will never understand that until they experience it for themselves. Born again Christians refer to Jesus as our personal Savior and God as our Father or even Abba (Daddy). Those terms don’t begin to describe our individual relationships with our Creator.

Our references for relationship are based on the relationship we have with others around us. I have written before about my close relationship with my wife of 50 years, my parents and my brothers and sisters in Christ; but none of those people have gotten as close to me as God. He knows every thought of my mind, every feeling of my heart and every physical strength and weakness of my body. He knew my DNA while I was still in my mother’s womb; before man had discovered that there was such a thing.

Have you ever wondered why God speaks to us in a still small voice (whisper)? It is because He is so close to us, if He raised His mighty voice we would be blown away. I once heard Bishop T.D. Jakes describe how well God knows each of us. “The Bible says even the hairs on your head are numbered. It doesn’t say counted, so He knows how many there are; it says numbered so He knows which one you just lost.” A relationship doesn’t get more intimate or personal than that.

I have mentioned before that I encourage every married couple I know to cherish every precious moment they have together. Too often we take the love of our life for granted until they are no longer with us. Do we truly cherish every precious moment with God? God will always be with us. His love for us is eternal. When we become His children through faith in Jesus Christ, we don’t have to worry about separation. “And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” (Romans 8:38) Because of God’s steadfast presence and love, it is even more important that we guard against taking it all for granted. We need to show our appreciation every day; not just for what God has done for us and His continued blessings, but also for that close relationship we enjoy with Him.

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