Blessings Without Measure

The recliner with a power lift to help me transfer to my walker that my friends found and my church had delivered to me a couple of years ago began to fall apart and was no longer even comfortable to sit in. My friends (brothers and sisters in Christ) began to look for another more sturdy one. They found one for a very reasonable price and Saturday morning after our breakfast meeting, two of my friends dropped me off at home and went to look at it. They came back with the recliner a short time later. My friends had all chipped in to buy it and they were able to get it in the Tahoe one of them drives. It is great!
As I write this, I’m filled with praise for all of the wonderful people God has placed in my life since my wife died and for all they have done for me and mean to me. I have thanked each of them personally, but they all told me to thank God instead. It reminds me of what I used to tell people I helped in obedience to the Holy Spirit.
I have written before about counting our blessings instead of our trials. My list of blessings keeps growing to the point that if I tried to count them and thank God for each of them before bedtime, there would be no time left for sleep. When I write my blog, I make it a point to include the rough times as well as the good experiences that are part of the Christian life, but those rough times fade in the light of God’s continual blessings.
My brother or sister in Christ, be a blessing to others and let them know to thank God, not you. Then never take a single one of your blessings for granted.

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