Because He Lives

Today is Easter Sunday (Resurrection Day) 2021. Even though four live church services are occurring at Christian Life Center today, I’m still only able to watch online because of physical limitations. I’m not complaining. I am blessed and have been all of my life. I have so many fond memories of attending Easter sunrise services as a young Christian and then in 1964, reliving that first Easter morning as I knelt in prayer at the entrance of that empty Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. I had the privilege to share fifty Easter services and nearly that many Easter brunches with my beautiful wife, each of them filled with joy and love. This is the fifth Easter I have been able to share my thoughts and feelings on this blog. Yes, this holiday holds some precious memories and great significance for me.

Sometimes Christians have fantasies of how wonderful it would have been to have known Jesus when he was here on Earth. How great it would be to walk with Him and eat with Him every day; listening to all of His teachings first hand. But even the twelve men who were closest to Him during His time on Earth did not fully understand what He was telling them until that morning He walked out of the tomb. So many times He had told them He must die and be raised from the grave, but it didn’t sink in until they saw Him die on the cross and come alive again three days later. It wasn’t until then that all of the pieces fell into place for them. The risen Savior told Thomas, “You believe because you have seen. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.” (John 20:29) So it is we who are blessed because we walk in faith. Instead of fantasizing about the past, let us look forward with great anticipation and excitement to our future; spending eternity in His presence. Here’s one of my favorite Easter songs. “God sent His son, they called Him Jesus. He came to love, heal and forgive. He lived and died to buy my pardon. An empty grave is there to prove my savior lives. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living, just because He lives. And then one day, I’ll cross the river. I’ll fight life’s final war with pain. And then, as death gives way to victory I’ll see the lights of glory and I’ll know He reigns. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear is gone. Because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living, just because He lives.” I wish each of you reading this a blessed Easter

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