Answered Prayers

This past Monday was Memorial Day; the finale of a three day weekend for many of those still working. My day started out as usual. My Monday afternoon caregiver showed up at her usual time even on the holiday and was helping me with several chores. At 3:00 pm, my power suddenly went out. My home phone and internet connection went dead with the power. My caregiver helped me call Comed to report the outage from my flip phone, which was down to its last two bars. She left at 4 with hope they would have my power back on soon.

I called my next door neighbor to see if they had power, but got their voicemail, which made me believe their power was still on. I knew my neighbor on the other side was in California visiting her daughter so I started to worry if I was the only one without power. It wasn’t until then I started to pray. At 5, God answered my prayer when my neighbor stopped by to see if he could help. He placed a follow-up call to Comed for me and they said they show power to my meter so I should check my breakers. I asked him to go down in my basement and check for me. He said they all looked like they were on, but when he touched the main breaker the power came back on so he reset that one.

Late Monday night, I woke up and decided to listen to some gospel music and read some scripture to help me get back to sleep. At 3:00 am, my internet connection went out and my phone had no dial tone even though the power was still on. Again, I began to worry. Then I finally prayed again for help. My Tuesday caregiver came at 8 am and before she was finished cooking breakfast for me the power went out again. She went down and reset the breaker again and then rebooted my internet, which is also in the basement.

God sent three angels in answer to my prayers. They looked and sounded very much like Kamlesh (my neighbor from India), Cathy (my Monday caregiver) and Shardae (my Tuesday caregiver). Angels come in all shapes, sizes and appearance. I’ll bet you have been an angel in answer to someone’s prayer; I know I have.

They say, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.” Through all of this, God was reminding this old dog of an old trick that I shouldn’t have ever forgotten. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” (Philippians 4:6) I’m still thanking God for all he has done for me. How about you?

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