
The rehab center where I was placed for three weeks of rehabilitation is also a nursing home so the others in physical therapy with me were all around my age, but of course I felt like the youngster of the group. That is until one evening as I watched TV in my room and I felt cold. I asked for a blanket to put around me. There I sat in a wheelchair wrapped in a blanket and I thought, “Am I that old?” The answer from God was clear, “Yes you are my child. Why do you ask?”

Don’t get me wrong, getting old doesn’t bother me. It is the side effects of aging that are the irritation. My body gets older and begins to wear out, but my spirit and mind are still young and energetic. You look at me and you see an old man with bad knees, but inside I’m still that eleven year old boy who gave my life to Jesus. I’m still that young airman at the altar watching my beautiful bride come down the aisle with her father. I’m still the energetic man who has served my Lord and walked with Him throughout my life In spite of my limitations now.

I read some time ago that when an elderly person dies, a library of information is burned to the ground and lost. I have determined that I don’t want to let that happen in my case. I write this blog to share with you all that I’ve learned from others and from my own personal experience so it is not lost. I want younger Christians to know what I know about God as a result of my personal relationship with Him through Jesus Christ. I want to share it all with you including the good and bad; my mistakes and my victories; trials and temptations and God’s eternal grace and love that have brought me through this life so far.

One of my favorite passages of scripture that describes aging children of God is found in Psalms 92:14. “Even in old age they will still produce fruit; they will remain vital and green.”

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