Getting Real

There is a video I saw recently of Gloria Gather first describing her feelings as she watched her daughter give birth. Then she described how she felt holding the hand of her mother as she took her final breath.  She summed it all up this way. “It isn’t until we encounter birth and death that we get real about life.”

I have written before about the miracle of birth and my pro life position that is based on scientific fact and spiritual truth. But what do I mean when I claim that I have been “Born Again”? Jesus explains it to Nicodemus and us in the third chapter of the Gospel of John.  I experienced it this way. Before I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, I was a human being with occasional spiritual experiences. After putting my faith in Him, I became an eternal spiritual being having human experiences.

I have gotten real about life because the average life expectancy in my country is 77 and I am already four years into the overtime period of my life. Every minute, hour and day is precious. None of us is guaranteed tomorrow, so get real about life today.

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