With the Lord

At the age of 81, my thoughts occasionally turn to death and heaven. Peter Marshal once said, “Our loved ones are with the Lord and he has promised to be with us. If they are with him and he is with us, they can’t be far away.”

I have said many times that if I die tomorrow, I will be with my Lord and if he blesses my old body with another day of life he will continue to be with me here.” Paul put it this way, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

My eternal life with God began when I experienced spiritual rebirth 70 years ago and God’s Holy Spirit began to dwell in my heart. It will reach a new level when I transition into life in his presence. It is then that I will be home where I belong.

I’m sure it won’t surprise you that the words of a song express my feelings. “Home, where there is no night. Home, where the Son is the light. The place I’ve been dreaming  of so long. Loved ones there to welcome me, but his sweet face will be the first I see. When my journey’s over I am going home.”












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