The Right & Only Way

I just saw this quote from Nietzsche on my Face Book time line, “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way or the only way, they don’t exist.” John 14:6 NIV reads, “Jesus answered him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'” They both can’t be correct, can they? Do we choose the musings of that illustrious German philosopher, or the answer from the Son of God?

I made my choice 70 years ago and it was confirmed ten years later when I knelt in prayer at the entrance of the empty Garden Tomb in Jerusalem. Jesus is alive and preparing to return to Earth for his church. Friedrich Nietzsche died 124 years ago and his remains are still in the grave.

I used to think the New Age idea that all roads lead to the same place was modern, but I think it is one of Satan’s lies that has been around as long as he has. I thank God every day that my way is God’s way.

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