The Christ In Christian

Since January 1st of 2017, I have been posting about the Christian life as it is described in God’s word and as I have experienced it for the last 70 years. I want to state once more that there would be no Christian life without the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Satan and the world have tried to stereotype and demonize the title of Christian to the point that some of my friends actually began to refer to themselves as believers. I tried that for a few days, but I wanted the world to know who I believe in, so I quickly returned to proudly writing about my Christian life.

I’ve read that the greatest event in human history was when Neil Armstrong stepped onto the surface of the moon. My wife and I stayed up and watched it on TV and it was memorable, but the greatest event in human history was when Jesus Christ stepped out of that tomb in Jerusalem. No, I didn’t witness that. (I’m old, but not that old.)  However, I have written several times about my spiritual experience while praying at the entrance of the empty Garden Tomb in Jerusalem in 1964. There is a line of a song I watched on YouTube recently that sums it up for me. “The cross is now empty and so is the tomb.”

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