Mind Renewal

When I was young, girls were taught that the way to a man’s heart was through his stomach, so kitchens were more than warming stations back then. My wife was a great cook, but she had my heart long before she captured my stomach. If Satan had one moment of honesty, he would tell you the way to the heart of a man or woman is through their mind. That is his favorite route to introduce temptation, doubts and fears into our life.

When I became a Christian in 1954, there was a best selling book written by 0a pastor titled “Power of Positive Thinking”. I obtained a copy thinking it would help my new found faith grow. The Holy Spirit would not let me read beyond the second page. I put that book down and never picked it up again. That is just one of the countless times God has protected my mind and my heart with the sword of His Spirit and the helmet of salvation. (see Ephesians chapter 6)

Paul also wrote in Romans 2:2 that the way to avoid conforming to the world is through the renewing of our minds. I ask God regularly to keep my mind renewed by removing any fear, doubt or temptation that has squeezed through my subconscious. I praise God daily that as my body has weakened with age my mind has remained strong to continue sharing His messages with you.


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