Love In Action

I’ve written about love more than any other topic because God’s unfailing love and our love for Him and others are an essential part of our Christian life. This is a short version of Love Is a Verb posted in March of 2017. I’m not getting lazy, the Holy Spirit just told me someone needs this important message today.

The greatest definition of love is found in the 13th chapter of First Corinthians. It lists all the actions of love (not doing something is also an action). 1st John 3:18 says, “Dear children, let us not just say we love each other, but let us show our love by our actions.”

I want to give two examples of love in action. Paula, my sister in Christ, posted a beautiful photo of her son feeding her mother in a nursing home. I commented, “That is what love looks like.”  When my wife was in a hospital or nursing home, she could feed herself but she had trouble sleeping in a strange place. I spent most of my visits holding her hand and watching TV while she slept soundly just knowing I was with her. That action said I love you louder than my voice ever could.

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