I Am

You know how much Christian lyrics of all kinds mean to me. I want to share with you a song I wrote 14 years ago. One evening my devotion took me to my favorite book of the Bible, John’s Gospel. As I read a familiar verse, I saw a reference to a verse in Exodus. After going back and forth a few times, my hands reached for the computer keyboard to make some notes. ThereĀ  on the screen were two verses and the chorus of a song. I added a third verse from a poem I had written years earlier. For nearly two years, those words kept going through my mind without a melody. Then one morning as I drove my wife to her cancer doctor, the melody came to me and as I pulled into the parking lot I sang it for the first time. I don’t remember what Carol said, but I will never forget her smile. Since then, only 24 people and 2 dogs have heard me sing it,

When the Jews were slaves in Egypt and Moses got the call a voice from a burning bush told him to free them from it all. Now Moses wanted to know who was giving him this task. God said, “I am. Tell them I am sent you when they ask.”

When Jesus healed the sick and did other wondrous acts people wondered who he was and how he knew so many facts. They asked, “Are you a prophet, even Moses or Abraham?” Smiling Jesus told them, “Before Abraham was I am.”

Jesus died on the cross to save us all from sin and strife. He rose on the third day to prove hi s gift of eternal life. I will never cease to praise him every night and every day and his still small voice I hear as I bow my head to pray.

Chorus: I created this vast universe, much more than you can see. When Earth was a barren wasteland, all life began with me. Believe and I’ll be with you like a shepherd with his lamb. When they ask you who you serve just say, “I am.” When they ask if you’re a Christian shout, “I AM!”

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