Ambassadors for Christ

For the past two weeks I have heard a wonderful pastor preach from the fifth chapter of Mark. That chapter tells about Jesus encountering a very tormented man. Jesus cast a legion of unclean spirits out of the man into a herd of swine.  The sermon this past Sunday was about how everyone begged Jesus to leave except the man who was now in his right mind. He begged Jesus to take him. Jesus told him to go home to his family and friends and tell them the great work God had done in his life.

That message touched me personally. With all God has done in my life for seven decades of serving Him I long to go be with Him, but He tells me through His Holy Spirit to return to my blog and share with everyone He has put in my life all that God has done for me and will do for them.

God has sent us out as ambassadors for Christ (see 2nd Corinthians 5:20). Andrew brought his brother to meet Jesus. The Samaritan woman brought a whole town to meet the Messiah. Many others Jesus healed were sent home to share their great blessing with others. Let us continue to be ambassadors for Christ until we are called home.

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