Emergency CPR Needed

A good friend of mine who is a Christian and pro life, posted Jeremiah 1:5, which is God’s first message to his young prophet. “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.”

I don’t hesitate to share my political views as a child of God, but not in my blog. Abortion is a moral and spiritual issue that some groups have made a political hot button. After reading that familiar post, I did some research and then responded that despite the alarm of pro choice groups after the Supreme Court reversed Roe v Wade and after some severe restrictions were enacted in a few states, more than a million babies were aborted in 2023. We don’t know the exact number because California does not report them and some other states under report, but it is over a million and God continues to count each of them as they arrive in heaven. How many of them were appointed by God to accomplish great things? Only God knows.

How much longer will God allow the mass slaughter of innocent babies? Only He knows, but it can’t be much longer before His righteous judgment is pronounced. Our nation is in serious trouble. We need emergency CPR (Christ, Prayer and Repentance).

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