A True Christian

One of my friends posted this question on social media, “What is a true Christian?” Becoming a true Christian is a simple process that is the same for everyone. God in his mercy and grace did the hard work. All I had to do was believe in and desire to follow Jesus Christ. He renewed my spirit and placed his Holy Spirit in my heart to guide me 70 years ago. Living as a true Christian in this world is when it sometimes gets complicated or confusing.

God created each of us as unique individuals with unique DNA, fingerprints and personalities. When we become true Christians, we become his son or daughter and he loves us all the same. But he understands our strengths and weaknesses and his calling is different for each of us. The Holy Spirit will keep us on the path God has chosen for us.

There are some characteristics that unite true Christians. Paul called them fruit of the Spirit and lists them in Galatians 5:22-23. True Christians exhibit all of them because of God’s Spirit within us. Read those verses often to make sure you are recognizable as a true Christian to those around you.

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