
Most of us are familiar with the Last Supper account in scripture when Jesus prepared his disciples for the suffering and sacrifice He was facing very soon. Simon Peter said that he will never let that happen. Jesus told him that before the rooster crows tomorrow morning you will deny you even know me not once, but three times.  We also know that happened just as Jesus predicted.

In John 21, the risen Lord meets His disciples again for another meal by the lake this time. Three times Jesus asked Simon, “Do you love me?” Each time his answer was as strong and sincere as his denials had been. Simon Peter experienced atonement that day and he became a great, but humble, leader of the church.

I can relate to Simon, son of John, who Jesus renamed Peter. Like him, I often put my big foot in my mouth by over promising and under producing. The hallmark of good service is under promise and over produce. Jesus taught him and me to let our actions prove our words when He said, “Then feed my sheep.”

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