Power of Words

Our young pastor preached a strong sermon this morning from the book of James on the importance of what we say. Because our words are so important, we must think before we say anything. He broke down the acronym T.H.I.N.K. into five questions we must ask ourselves before speaking. I want to share that with you along with my reaction.

Is it True? There is no place in a Christian’s life for fibs, white lies or rumors. I stopped sharing posts online because I don’t have the time to make sure they are true.

Is it Helpful? Will it make matters better or worse?

Is it Informative? Is it worth sharing?

Is it Necessary? Is it something they need to know?

Finally, is it Kind? It is not our job to judge or put down others. It is our Job to love, encourage and lift them up. Not just our words, but our actions, tone of voice and facial expression are equally important to show our love and kindness.

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