More from Daniel

Did you know that God hears and answers our prayers while we are still praying? He knows our heart and our thoughts, so He knows our needs even before we verbalize them.

Daniel fasted and prayed for answers about his captivity. He continued to fast as he waited for God to respond. When an angel finally arrived, he said God dispatched him with the answers while Daniel was still praying, but a demon blocked his way. So Archangel Michael fought the demon and let him through to Daniel. After reading that account, I always thank God for hearing and answering my prayer before I say amen.

We must remember God’s answer won’t always be the YES we hope for. Like any loving parent, He will offer only what is best for us. His answer will be NO if it would put us in danger or if He has something much better in mind for us. His answer we have the most trouble with is NOT YET. It is kind of like a 10 year old asking for the keys to the family car. Our Heavenly Father knows when we are mature enough to handle it and will grant a YES in due course.

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