Mountains and Mole Hills

When I was a boy, every time I exaggerated a problem my mom and dad would tell me, “You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill.”  I thought it was one of their folksy expressions.  It actually dates back to the year 1570 (A little before their time).

For you city dwellers who have never seen a mole hill, moles are blind rodents that tunnel underground to find grubs and worms.  As they tunnel the surface is raised above the tunnel leaving an unsightly trail of raised earth wherever they have tunneled in the yard or garden.  Once the mole is eliminated, a heavy roller can be used to level the surface by pushing the dirt back down into the tunnel.

So, what my parents were teaching me was not to take something that can be smoothed over and turn it into an insurmountable problem.   What they didn’t tell me at the time was that I would eventually encounter some real mountains in life, so there was no need to create one.  It was Jesus who taught me how to make a mole hill out of a mountain.

In Matthew 17:20 Jesus tells his disciples that faith the size of a tiny mustard seed can move mountains.  Since I find no record of anyone, even Jesus, actually moving a physical mountain by faith, I have to believe Jesus was referring to the mountainous problems we face in life; those obstacles that are so huge they seem impossible for us to overcome.  In my lifetime I have witnessed mountains blocking my way either move to the side or be reduced to mole hills as the result of my faith in Jesus Christ and my obedience to His Holy Spirit.  However, based on all of my experiences I offer this advice to younger generations: Your faith can move mountains, but don’t be surprised if God hands you a shovel and wheelbarrow instead.  Sometimes He just wants us to roll up our sleeves and get involved.

The biggest mountain of all for me was when my wife of 50 years went home to be with the Lord, leaving me alone, heartbroken and hopeless.  I called out to the Lord in my distress and He answered my prayer by sending Pastors Sam and Taylor Hamstra with a message of hope and the assurance that God wasn’t done with me yet.  Then He provided me with a purpose and a new family of brothers and sisters in Christ who are there for me through thick and thin.  With His help my mountain has been reduced to a mole hill that is tamped down beneath my feet as I continue to walk with my Lord.

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