As I’ve grown older and lost some of my mobility and independence, my blog posts have more often given emphasis to the destination the Christian life leads us to instead of the importance of our journey through life. Several things got my attention this week and I want to share them with you.
A post on my Facebook time line asked how the thief on the cross going to Paradise with Jesus aligned with my theology. It listed all of the things he didn’t do like baptism, communion, etc. Knowing we are saved by faith, my “theology” was not shaken, but the real question the post implied was are death bed conversions fair? This was my comment, “Is it fair that I have spent 70 of my 81 years of life living a Christian life of service to God and those around me, doing all of those things listed, while some others sneak into heaven during the last few minutes of their life? NO! It is not fair to them. They will never know the joy and blessings I have experienced in this life.”
Even in the storms and trials, we are blessed. The familiar words of the 23rd Psalm remind me, “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me.” Lines from a song I heard this week echo God’s promise to us, “Just keep on walking, don’t turn to the left or right. In the midst of darkness let this be your light. Hell can’t separate us and you’re going to make it through. This is the promise I made to you.”
We must draw closer to God through prayer, worship and obedience to the Holy Spirit within us, but we also must value, appreciate and make the most of every moment of life God has given us.