I Thank God

This blog was established nearly 8 years ago not only to mentor new Christians about what to expect in their walk with the Lord, but as a reminder to mature Christians about how far they have come and encourage them to draw even closer to the Lord. I watched a video today that did that for me. It was taped live in front of a large Spirit filled congregation. Joseph Larson and his sister Grace Larson Bromley sing, “I Thank God”. It is another great description of being “born again.” The song has a lot of repetition for emphasis, but this is the message.

“Hell lost another one, I am free! He picked me up, turned me around and planted my feet on solid ground. He healed my heart and changed my name. Forever free. I am not the same. I thank the Master; I thank the Savior; I thank God!”

If you are reading this and  have not made the decision yet to put your faith in Jesus Christ, look up that video and watch it all the way to the end. After the song, the pastor skips the sermon; but recites the sinner’s prayer with the congregation. Pray that prayer sincerely and you will experience the new life, the Christian life as a child of God, that is described in the song and in each of my blog posts. Hell will have lost another one and you will be set free.

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