Mountain Moved

If you saw a scary warning from your search engine and came onto this site anyway, I want to assure you that all of the spam that prompted the warning has been removed and you can safely read any of my blog posts again. The warning should be removed the next time the site is indexed. It bothers me that the enemy is still trying to keep my regular readers away from my blog, but I pray that the Holy Spirit will give others, like you, the courage to come on anyway or at least try again later when the warning has been removed.

I have written before about the storms we go through in our Christian life and the mountains we encounter sometimes to hinder our service for our Lord. This ordeal has been a huge mountain for me, but my 70 year relationship with God through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within me confirms the truth of these words from one of my favorite songs, “I have not seen a mountain God can not move.” With the prayers of many and the skilled hands of my brother in Christ, Josh, the mountain is now just a mole hill of a warning that should soon disappear as well. Praise God!

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