Two Biggest Lies

Years ago, Pastor Rick Warren described the two biggest lies Christians face in our country. The first is, “You can’t love someone if you don’t accept their lifestyle.” The second is, “If you don’t accept a person’s lifestyle, you must hate them.” Neither of them are true and they are still around today to try to paint Christians as hypocritical. As believers in, and followers of Jesus, we are called to be like Him – Christ-like.

Let’s look at Jesus’ example for us to follow. He came to Earth to seek and save sinners. He spent so much time with sinners, that the Jewish religious leaders said he must be one; but he never accepted or took part in sinful behavior. He loves sinners, including you and me, so much that he died in our place to free us from our sins if we only believe.

If we did show our love for someone by accepting their sinful lifestyle, we would be loving them all the way to hell. We can never be a true follower of Christ if we hate another person who is created in God’s image. We are called to be the light in this world that will draw others away from sin and into the safety of God’s loving arms.




Most of us are familiar with the Last Supper account in scripture when Jesus prepared his disciples for the suffering and sacrifice He was facing very soon. Simon Peter said that he will never let that happen. Jesus told him that before the rooster crows tomorrow morning you will deny you even know me not once, but three times.  We also know that happened just as Jesus predicted.

In John 21, the risen Lord meets His disciples again for another meal by the lake this time. Three times Jesus asked Simon, “Do you love me?” Each time his answer was as strong and sincere as his denials had been. Simon Peter experienced atonement that day and he became a great, but humble, leader of the church.

I can relate to Simon, son of John, who Jesus renamed Peter. Like him, I often put my big foot in my mouth by over promising and under producing. The hallmark of good service is under promise and over produce. Jesus taught him and me to let our actions prove our words when He said, “Then feed my sheep.”

With the Lord

At the age of 81, my thoughts occasionally turn to death and heaven. Peter Marshal once said, “Our loved ones are with the Lord and he has promised to be with us. If they are with him and he is with us, they can’t be far away.”

I have said many times that if I die tomorrow, I will be with my Lord and if he blesses my old body with another day of life he will continue to be with me here.” Paul put it this way, “To live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)

My eternal life with God began when I experienced spiritual rebirth 70 years ago and God’s Holy Spirit began to dwell in my heart. It will reach a new level when I transition into life in his presence. It is then that I will be home where I belong.

I’m sure it won’t surprise you that the words of a song express my feelings. “Home, where there is no night. Home, where the Son is the light. The place I’ve been dreaming  of so long. Loved ones there to welcome me, but his sweet face will be the first I see. When my journey’s over I am going home.”












Power of Words

Our young pastor preached a strong sermon this morning from the book of James on the importance of what we say. Because our words are so important, we must think before we say anything. He broke down the acronym T.H.I.N.K. into five questions we must ask ourselves before speaking. I want to share that with you along with my reaction.

Is it True? There is no place in a Christian’s life for fibs, white lies or rumors. I stopped sharing posts online because I don’t have the time to make sure they are true.

Is it Helpful? Will it make matters better or worse?

Is it Informative? Is it worth sharing?

Is it Necessary? Is it something they need to know?

Finally, is it Kind? It is not our job to judge or put down others. It is our Job to love, encourage and lift them up. Not just our words, but our actions, tone of voice and facial expression are equally important to show our love and kindness.

Who Is Knocking?

In Matthew 7:7 Jesus tells us to ask, seek and knock for what we need. God knows our needs but He wants us to ask Him in prayer for His help, seek Him with our worship and knock for Him to open doors for us to serve Him. On the flip side, Jesus asks us to believe in and follow Him into eternal life, seeks us to save us from the penalty of our sin and He knocks on the door of our heart for us to invite His Holy Spirit inside to dwell in us.

There is a famous painting depicting Jesus standing at our heart’s door and knocking. The door in that painting has no handle on it, so we must open it from inside to let Him in. The Son of God could kick down the door and take possession of our heart. but God doesn’t want prisoners or robots. God wants sons and daughters to love and worship Him freely. It is our decision to open the door to Him that allows us to become part of God’s family.



Darkening Storms

I’ve mentioned before about storms in the Christian life. I have never seen this level of hatred and division in my country since the civil rights marches in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

This time the target of the hatred is Jews. They claim their protests are peaceful but their words are not and actions usually follow the words. What do we do in the face of such a storm? Do we hunker down and pray that it does not affect us, as the German Christians did in the 1930’s? NO!  We do what every believer must do, trade our fear for faith. That always releases God’s power in our life so we can face the storm head on,

There is still a bright sun behind the clouds and I got a glimpse of it last Sunday, when 35 families joined Anthem Church in Hammond. They already have plans to break ground for a much larger building this fall, but at this rate it will be packed by the time it is built. There is a growing hunger and thirst for the true word of God and fellowship and encouragement with other believers. My dear young pastor friends, Sam and Tayor Hamstra, provide those needs and their ministry has experienced amazing growth.












Our Touch

A friend posted this today. “God gave you fingerprints no one else has so you can leave an imprint no one else can.” Just as God blesses us so we can bless others, He touches us leaving His imprint on us and He expects us to leave our unique imprint on others. Every gift from God carries a two fold blessing. The first when we receive it and the second when we share it.

I had a constant stream of caregivers, aids, nurses, doctors and specialists in and out of my hospital room. I touched each of them with my sincere appreciation and put a smile on their face before they left my room. Doing that took my mind off of my own condition and I’m sure it got me home sooner.

Sometimes a physical touch is needed, but most of the time we touch them mentally, emotionally or spiritually. That allows me to touch you, my reader, whether you are ten miles away from me or on the other side of the world.  I pray as you read any of the posts on my website, you will feel my touch of love and encouragement that will leave a unique impression that will last long after I draw my last breath. That is the legacy we leave behind as Christians and don’t forget to pass it on to others.


More from Daniel

Did you know that God hears and answers our prayers while we are still praying? He knows our heart and our thoughts, so He knows our needs even before we verbalize them.

Daniel fasted and prayed for answers about his captivity. He continued to fast as he waited for God to respond. When an angel finally arrived, he said God dispatched him with the answers while Daniel was still praying, but a demon blocked his way. So Archangel Michael fought the demon and let him through to Daniel. After reading that account, I always thank God for hearing and answering my prayer before I say amen.

We must remember God’s answer won’t always be the YES we hope for. Like any loving parent, He will offer only what is best for us. His answer will be NO if it would put us in danger or if He has something much better in mind for us. His answer we have the most trouble with is NOT YET. It is kind of like a 10 year old asking for the keys to the family car. Our Heavenly Father knows when we are mature enough to handle it and will grant a YES in due course.