Book of Daniel

Through the years, some truths from the book of Daniel have gotten me out of some bad situations and given me an understanding about how God responds to our prayers.

When Daniel’s three young friends refused to worship an idol, they were bound and thrown into a blazing furnace. Instead of being consumed, they were joined by a fourth man the king described as the Son of God. The Three stepped out of the furnace unharmed and without even the smell of smoke on their clothes.

When Daniel was caught praying to God, he was thrown into a den of hungry lions. The next morning the king was shocked to find Daniel alive and well as he had him hoisted out of the den. God spent the night in the lions’ den closing their mouths.

God does not eliminate the dangers of life. He takes us safely through them. I cannot count the times he has been leading me safely through danger. Sometimes through danger, of which I was completely unaware.

Love and Worship

The thing I missed most in the hospital was music. Especially the hymns, gospel songs and love songs on my YouTube playlist. There are a few modern praise songs that also touch me deeply, but many of them tend to take “joyful noise” a little too seriously for my old ears.

Before going to sleep some nights, I very softly sang a love song to honor my wife without disturbing my room mate. I couldn’t think about our love for each other without remembering our mutual love for our Lord and His promise of eternal life together with Him some day. God is Love and all true love is a gift from Him.

I want to leave you with one of my favorite love songs written as a worship song.

Coming close together with a feeling that I’ve never known before in my life. God is not ashamed to be my Father or afraid to be my Friend. I don’t have the answers to the easy way He opens every door in my mind. But believing Him is easy when He tells me that it’s never going to end, and loving God is easier than anything I’ll ever do again.

Look Around

It is so good to be back home sharing my blog with you again. Thanks for your prayers and well wishes.

While I was in the hospital, I saw an ad for  a new movie and one line from that movie caught my attention. “Life passes so quickly, if you  don’t stop and look around you could miss it.” In the 70 years since I became a child of God, He has taught me to keep my eyes on my life; not just to see the blessings from Him, but to also see the opportunities to bless others around me.

When you reach my age, everyone asks about depression. As long as my attention is on God and others, I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself or my condition. Keep looking around, my brother or sister in Christ, so you won’t miss a moment of the life God has given you.

Thank God and You

I’m still in the hospital, but my doctors tell me the surgery was a complete success and I should be home by next weekend. I want to  thank each of you for your prayers and I thank God for His loving response. I also want to wish every father reading this a happy Father’s Day whether you are in the US or somewhere else in the world.