
Are you successful? Success can be such an elusive term. Everyone measures success differently. To some, success is measured in dollars or possessions. To others it is measured in the number of friends or followers they have on social media. Like happiness, it is something some people pursue all of their life but never quite seem to possess. Most people even equate success with happiness in one way or another. Solomon found a problem with one motive for seeking success. “Then I observed that most people are motivated to success because they envy their neighbors. But this, too, is meaningless – like chasing the wind.” (Ecclesiastes 4:4) I love what that great philosopher, Unknown, has said about success. “There are hundreds of books on the secret of success, but not one of them will work unless you do.”

A friend shared with me a conversation he had with a young man who was operating a one man service business. He told my friend, “I love this industry. In just three years I have made it to the top of my field.” My friend knew his situation and knew he couldn’t see the top of his field with a telescope; so he asked him to explain. The young man smiled and told him, “I am making a good living doing something I love to do and that greatly benefits others. It doesn’t get any better than that.”

People who know my situation might not think of me as successful. But those who know me best are well aware that in spite of my limited resources, mobility and independence; I am able to encourage others with phone calls, texts, their personal visits and my blog. To me, like that young man, I can truthfully say that it doesn’t get any better than this.

As Christians, success is always achieved when we obey the teaching and prompting of God’s Holy Spirit within us. It may not be success by the world’s standard, but the ultimate sign of success is when we stand before our Heavenly Father after a life well lived and hear the words, “Well done!”

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