Nothing Is Impossible With God

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, ‘Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.’” (Matthew 19:26)

I want to share with you how God has done the impossible in my personal life over the last six months. I had been making customer service calls from home for a regional pest control company for several years in order to make ends meet during Carol’s illness and following her death. On March first of this year I received a call that the company had decided to have full time employees make the calls from their offices and they no longer need my services. I began a frantic but seemingly futile search for a way to replace that income. I earnestly prayed for God to help me survive while guiding me to a new door I knew He would open for me. I also asked all of my Christian friends to pray with me. Each time I neared financial disaster I received money from someone with the explanation that God had prompted them to help me.

After six months of struggling, a friend in the pest control industry introduced me to the CEO of an online retailer selling do it yourself pest control kits from their home office in London. They hired me effective September first as an adviser to help them develop new product lines and expand their market in this country (which, by the way, will pay me exactly what I was making from the job I lost). In the meantime, this month was looking very rough financially. I even briefly thought about skipping my tithe to CLC, but each time I have honored my commitment to Him, God had been good about providing my needs so instead I prayed for his help once again. Just when I decided to let one of my bills slide in order to provide food and other necessities for me and my two dogs, I received a check for $500.00 from an unexpected source with a hand written note that simply read, “You’ve heard about following doctor’s orders? Well I’m following God’s orders.”

Now a non-believer might chalk all of these things up to chance or coincidence, but I don’t have that much faith. I simply know that my heavenly Father, who comforted me when I lost my life’s companion, is still with me every step of the way, opening a new door and supplying provisions. Through all of this the words of one of my favorite gospel songs have taken on added meaning for me. “Expect the unexpected when God’s about to move. He will meet our every need in ways we wouldn’t choose. Be still and know He’s in control; His power will come through. Expect the unexpected and watch what God will do.”

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