God in Nature

I love these words from that beautiful song How Great Thou Art: “I see the stars. I hear the rolling thunder. Thy power throughout the universe displayed.” Is it possible for us to know that God exists simply by observing His creation? I believe when we find God in nature, we begin to understand the nature of God.

Theodore Roosevelt became interested in the wonder and complexity of nature as a young man. Our Natural Park System is his greatest legacy . It is said as President he would often lead guests to the south lawn of the White House at the end of the evening then gaze up at the sky and invite them to do the same. After long minutes of taking in the countless stars and the vastness of the universe he would say, “Gentlemen, I think we are small enough now. Let’s go to bed.”

The psalmist must have experienced that same feeling when he wrote, “When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers – the moon and the stars you set in place – what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?” (Psalms 8:3-4)

How is it possible for people to separate God from His creation? “The Atheist Delusion Movie” is an interesting one hour movie from last year on You Tube that shows a variety of people being separately interviewed who state that they are atheists. When asked why, they each reply that it is lack of proof of God’s existence; not just proof, but “convincing scientific proof”. I suggest you take the time to watch the entire movie, but here is a brief summary.

They were each given an instruction book with full color photos and charts along with detailed step by step instructions bound with a nice cover. After they examined it they were asked, “Is it possible that this book suddenly came into existence without anyone to create and design it?” Of course they said no, but it was obvious some of them had heard the intelligent design argument before and were getting ready to resist it. Then they were told, “Now let’s take a look at DNA, the detailed instruction book found in every living cell.” The DNA in our cells determines everything about us including our sex, height, eye color, hair shade, etc. It is a blue print of our skeletal structure and the location and function of each of our organs. Every living organism has its very own DNA instruction book in each and every cell. When they were asked if DNA could possibly have come into existence without someone to create and design it, you could see them begin to grasp the convincing scientific evidence of God’s existence.

Knowing God exists is only the first step of course. Even Satan knows God exists. It is only through the gospel of Jesus Christ (His life, death and resurrection) that we can actually have a personal relationship with God. As we get to know God through His Son, His word and His Spirit within us, DNA is only one of the countless miracles we discover with His fingerprints all over them.


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