Carried Away

It has been a while since I shared Christian lyrics. I just listened to a song on You Tube by Ivan Parker titled, I’ll Get Carried Away. “I don’t know why I get a little shy when I’m around a whole lot of people; and I can’t figure out why I never can shout about the love that floods my soul. Well, I must confess, I can’t express the feelings deep inside me. But the things I know and cannot show one day will overflow. I’m going to let the glory roll when the roll is called in Glory. I’ll get beside myself when I get beside the King that day. I’m going to have the time of my life when the time of my life is over. I’ll get carried away when I get carried away!” It is a happy song about a glorious day, but I hope none of us waits until then to let God’s love overflow from our heart onto those around us.

In almost every poll about what people fear most, fear of public speaking ranks above fear of death. I conquered that fear as a teenager (when I knew everything). Since then, I have not been a man of few words. It is a very powerful feeling to know when you are before a group of any size; you are doing something most people would rather die than do. When I met my future wife, Carol liked the fact that I controlled the conversation. She was a shy young lady with a Mona Lisa smile, who was a very good listener. If she ever got tired of me sharing my every thought with her for the next 54 years, she never let it show. I was truly blessed.

My Christian brother or sister are you shy around groups? That’s OK! You don’t have to be a renowned evangelist preaching to the world to obey the Great Commission. Sharing your story with one individual might change that person’s world. There is no speech to memorize or formula to master. It is your story and no one else can tell it like you. What was your life like before you met Jesus? How did you encounter Him? How has He changed your life? That’s it! Not everyone you tell your story to will accept Christ, but the ones who do will be sharing their story with others in no time at all. That is how Christianity changed the world and will do so again.

When I am prompted by the Holy Spirit to write my blog, I know that someone needs to read it, but I never know who that someone is and as often as not it turns out to be me. I like the idea that you are reading this post as if it were a personal letter to you. If it touches you in some way, you can then share it with someone else. Every person we touch will touch others and our influence is magnified in that way. Sociologists claim the average person influences 10,000 people in their lifetime. There will come a time when you will know all of the people you have touched directly or indirectly in this life; and at that time you will also be able to fully express your deepest feelings. But don’t wait until then; share your story with someone now.

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